Hello there ponies and balongas!
Legends of Equestria is looking for Human Resources specialists to be the glue of our game development process and help keep operations running smoothly and cleanly! If you are interested in becoming a part of our team and have skills in note-taking and maintaining updates, organization and databasing, and good communication skills all around, please fill out the application provided below and email it to
[email protected].
Username/Alias: What do we refer to you as? Both in terms of pronouns and proper nouns.
Why:Why are you applying for this position? What about Legends of Equestria, and, more importantly, about Human Resources specifically, has piqued your interest?
Skills:What skills do you bring to the table? Are you better at working with other people (listening to complaints, making sure everyone is heard, mediating disputes), or more of an organizational person (creating/filling out spreadsheets, proposal documents, task lists or progress reports)?
Availability: When are you most available, and how available are you? If you have any other major commitments (work, school, double life as a spy), let us know ahead of time, please (note that having other commitments will not seriously deter your viability as a LoE team member, we simply want to be able to work with your schedule).
Relevant experience: Any positions you have held, or opportunities you have had to develop skills necessary for human resources.Human Resources positions in other companies/organizations are obviously good, but any sort of management, organizational or mediation skills or experience may be helpful to the team!
Other Information: Anything else that we haven�t listed here that you think might be helpful to the team or the hiring process? Let us know!
Please note, for legal reasons, all current LoE applicants need to be over the age of 18.