Legends of Equestria Attending BronyCAN 2014!
Jun 20
Legends of Equestria will be presenting a panel at BronyCAN! One of the largest conventions in Canada will be held from August 22-24 at the Executive Airport Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre in Richmond, BC.
During the panel staff members Blue Ink, Liska, and Cerebrate will discuss the game and its development, show off various features and answer any questions you may have about the game. If there's anything you've ever wanted to know about the game or even if you'd just like to see how things are going with development feel free to stop by and have a look. When we get specific times, we'll let you know!
A demo version of the game will also be available to play at con. This will be after the next open server weekend (which you can read about here: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11989.0) so it will be the last chance to play for a while!
Check out BronyCan's website here for more information: https://bronycan.ca/
Hope to see you there!