
Welcome to Legends of Equestria, a free-to-play MMORPG, available to play right now in Open Access!

Our in-development game is full of adventures, magic, and small horses. You will be able to fly, dance, play with pets, and more with friends or by yourself. There's even a whole community of friends over at our forums!

We are an ongoing project! We are always looking for talented new volunteers to help us out. If you feel like you're ready, feel free to send us your application.

Currently Hiring:

2D Art:

-Texture & Concept Artists

3D Modeling


-SFX Designers


-Level Designers

-VFX Artists

-Systems Designers


-Script Implementers

-Unity Implementers


Descriptions of the above jobs, and additional hiring information and recruitment status can be read here.

The following departments are currently not hiring: Animation, HR, Moderation, PR, Voice Acting, Web Dev, and Writing.

If you don't receive a response to your application within two weeks, please contact us on our support email.


Four hour extension!

Jan 27
Our servers were down for a little while today, but we have fixed that issue in addition to the log in problem! You can now fairly consistently log in without issue. In exchange for the down time, we would like to give you just a little more time on the servers... 4 hours more, until 4 am EST! Have fun, everyone!  :D


Legends of Equestria is now recruiting and REMINDERS!

Jan 24

Hello everyone!

I would like to remind you all that we are opening the servers in 5 days, on the first minute of the 24th, EST!
THE GAME WILL BE AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD ON THE 23rd, BUT THE SERVERS WILL NOT BE OPEN UNTIL THE 24th AT 12:01 AM Eastern Standard Time. This is so you can start playing the minute the servers open and everyone can have enough time to download the game.

PLEASE REMEMBER that you must be registered on our forums in order to access the game once the servers open. It is more likely that you will have a secure spot in the game if you register before the 24th. You register at: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?action=register

Also, Legends of Equestria is now recruiting!

If you're interested in game development, passionate about ponies, or simply need a hobby which will put your talents to use, please feel free to send us an email! We are currently accepting applications for the following departments: Concept Artists, 3D Modelers/Animators, Texture Artists, Public Relations, Server Managers, Programmers, and Web Designers. All applicants must be at least 16 years of age.

Here are some guidelines for applying:

Applicants must be comfortable drawing building exteriors, interiors, environmental art, and creatures in the style of the show. In order to apply for a concept artist position, please email [email protected]. Your email should consist of a link to your online portfolio, your Skype username, your primary email address, the amount of time you're able to devote to Legends of Equestria, and your reason for wanting to join the project. Please note that your portfolio should include something other than My Little Pony fan art.

To apply for the 3D team, please email [email protected] with links to examples of your skills. Any additional unrelated, high quality designs you have done helps too. Applicants must have working knowledge of 3D modeling and/or animating and be willing to learn, design critically, and give and take critique. It is preferred that applicants have a specialty in organic modeling, 3D animation and rigging, terraforming, or any combination thereof. Please include how much time you are able to devote to Legends of Equestria, as well as a list of programs that you use.

Applicants must be able to produce textures and graphics in the style of the show, have experience working with color, an adequate amount of time they are willing to devote to Legends of Equestria, and a willingness to follow directions from their team leaders. Experience in unwrapping and texturing models is favorable, but not required. In order to apply for a texture artist position, please email [email protected] and [email protected] with examples of your work, and a description of your skills/experience in digital art. Examples of environmental and architectural work are preferable. Please also list the programs you use within the email, as well as the reason you are interested in joining Legends of Equestria.

Applicants must have excellent writing and social media skills. Knowledge of journalism, social media analytics, and public speaking optimal, but not required. In order to apply for a public relations position, please email [email protected] with a short writing sample explaining your qualifications and drive.

To apply for the design team, please email [email protected] with examples of design materials, as well as how much time you are able to devote to the project. Examples should include design documents which focus on gameplay mechanics, systems, and the equations and numbers which make those systems tick. Potential design team members should be able to contribute to discussions about a wide range of complex design topics related to a MMORPG, as well as independently write or sketch complex design documents which focus on attribute balance and gameplay integration. Please note that extensive fan fiction or creative writing work does not consist of the type of materials that I am looking for.

Map/ level designers should have drawn work (hand or digital) of macro or micro scale level designs which factor in standard gaming conventions such as pathing, points of interest, mob spawns, elevation, framing, terrain features, quest potential, etc. Previous experience in a 3D engine (Unity, Unreal) is highly sought after. Map/level designers should expect to be trained in Unity to allow the implementation and editing of their designs. Please email [email protected] with examples of your work.

Server managers will be responsible for the administration and support of Linux based systems. You must provide Linux server support and will be expected to contribute to the documentation and maintenance of the Legends of Equestria game servers. Also, you must be willing to document procedures when setting up new servers. Work with the programming team. Experience with Bash scripting required. Please email [email protected] with a list of your qualifications and your Skype username.

Potential programmers should be proficient in C# and the use of code to design working mechanics applicable to a 3D MMO environment. Experience and integration in Unity 3D is extremely helpful. To apply please send relevant examples of creative code design and a list of software you use/know to [email protected].

Web Designers/Developers will be responsible for the look and feel of the Legends of Equestria website and forums. Applicants should have a proficient understanding of design, usability and ease of navigation, as well as website maintenance and content management. The ability to code using HTML, CSS, and PHP is also required. Experience with JavaScript and AJAX is a plus. Please email [email protected] with your Skype username, a brief list of your knowledge in web design and development, and how much time you'd be willing to dedicate to the project.

Thank you for reading, and can't wait to see you at the open server!


The servers are now open!

Jan 24

The open server weekend is finally upon us, everyone! You may now log in to the game and play!

Here are your options for downloading the game:
Here is the Google Drive folder containing all of the game builds at the moment.

You must have the newest game version downloaded in order to get all our brand new features! If you have an older game version from a previous open server weekend, it will not work!

Sign in with your username and password that you use on the forums, and there you go!

The servers that you can play on are Levade, Ballotade, Capriole, Piaffe, and Croupade.

If you are livestreaming the game, making a video, event, or fanart, you can feel free to post about it in the thread for it here: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=9902.msg751301#msg751301 and you may be shared on the Legends of Equestria Twitter, Tumblr, or Facebook!

Have a fun weekend, everyone!


Getting the game, how to play and fun things to do!

Jan 23

Hey there! Are you excited to play Legends of Equestria?

Here's what you'll need to get started!

System Requirements
To run our game, you'll need to make sure you have the following:
  • 2 GB ram
  • Dual core processor, somewhere near 2 GHz. A single core processor works, but is not recommended
  • An okay graphics card. If the computer is made after 2007, you'll be fine. The bare minimum would probably be 128 MB vram, DirectX9.0c/OpenGL2.0
  • 1.5 gigabytes of hard drive space
  • OS: Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux

Downloading the Game
Here is the Google Drive folder containing all of the game builds at the moment. We will continue adding to this folder throughout the day.

Please note that when you click on an icon, the "error" is just for the file preview. Click on the Download button in the lower right.

You must have the newest game version downloaded in order to get all our brand new features! If you have an older game version from a previous open server weekend, it will not work!

Disclaimer: Downloading game files from other sites may be unsafe. They may contain viruses.

Please remember, the servers will be opening Friday. This is just to get the game early. You will not be able to login or play until Friday.

/listfriendsLists all your friends./logoutLogs out of the game.
/playersLists all the players in the room./helpLists all the commands.
/report <player name>Lets you report a player to the moderators. You can also click on a pony to report them./playervisible <true/false>Toggles your player invisible for you only, everyone else can still see you.
/cinemacamera <true/false>Your player will disappear and the camera turns into a camera-fly mode./removeitem <inventoryslot>Removes a game item according to the inventory slot it is in. Starts at 0.
/standMakes your pony stand./sitMakes your pony sit.
/danceMakes your pony dance./unwearallRemoves all items from your pony.
/facehoofMakes your pony facehoof./inventoryOpens your inventory.

Getting to Cloudopolis
In order to get to Cloudopolis, you must travel via the airship in Cantermore!

If you're in Cantermore, travel up the cliff to the airship port and board your way onto the airship.

If you're starting in Ponydale, you must first go to the train station and travel to Cantermore, and then go to the airship port.

Getting to Cantermore
In order to get to Cantermore, you must travel via train from Ponydale or via airship from Cloudopolis!

If you're in Ponydale, you must travel via train. The train station is just past Sugarcane Corner.

If you're in Cloudopolis, go to the airport located high up and to the right of the main cloud.

Getting to Ponydale
If you'd like to visit the quaint little town of Ponydale, you must go by train from Cantermore.

If you're in Cloudopolis, go to the airport and get to Cantermore.

Once you're in Cantermore, simply go to the train station by by Astral Charm.

Plenty of NPCs (Non-Player Characters) need help with their tasks! Some give out special prizes if you lend them a helping hoof!

Go up to any NPC, right click, and select "Talk." NPCs have a "..." over their name.

Listen to what they have to say, and be sure to follow their instructions in order to move on in the quest.

At the end, you might get a reward for your kindness!

Watch out when going to the Evershade Forest! It's home to some scary monsters!

In order to defend yourself against the creatures you'll encounter, try using your special combat abilities!

Earth Ponies have Seismic Buck, Unicorns have Rainbow Fields, and Pegasi have Dual Cyclone! All three races have Ground Pound.

When ready, select a creature, a target reticule should appear. Attack the mob by getting in their range and selecting your skill.

When the enemy's health gets to zero, they'll faint! Don't worry though, I'm sure they can just walk it off.

Do you have an interesting item that you'd like to give to a friend? Well, you can trade them!

Simply right click on your friend and hit "Trade." The other pony needs to accept your trade for it to continue.

Once accepted, you'll see a screen. Left click and add the item to the trading menu.

When both players are satisfied with the trade, they both must hit "Ready." When both players hit "Ready," a "Done" button will appear. Once both players hit the "Done" button, the trade will be completed.

Stuck Somewhere?
Have no fear! No need to call the moderators! Simply type /stuck or unstuck me and you will be moved to the starting point of the map. (This will not work if you are in combat.)


Legends of Equestria appearing on Bronyville Podcast!

Jan 07
Hello everyone!

Legends of Equestria will be featured on the January 11th episode of Bronyville! Bronyville is a popular pony podcast which has featured many notable guests!  In their own words, "Join two bronies, Apple Cider and Chef Sandy, as they discuss episodes, culture, community events, and a ton more."

Legends of Equestria and Bronyville will be talking about many interesting aspects of the game and of game development, as well as chatting about the upcoming open server.
You can find the live show on January 11th at Noon PST/2pm Central/3pm EST here: http://justin.tv/bronyvillepodcast

Hope to see you there!



