Legends of Equestria's Spring 2023 Release is now Live!
Mar 17

Hey there everypony! It's been a little while since we last spoke! All of us on the LoE team hope you're doing well in this crazy ol' world of ours!
We've all being doing our best to make Equestria the best world it can be for you, and we hope you enjoy all of our latest improvements, as we make our first major release of this year, the Spring 2023 update, available for download! As always, this version is available for download from our website, from the launcher, and from your web app store!
You might have guessed by now, but the full details of this release are available from our changelog; check below for our highlights, though!

As always, Winter Warm-Up has rolled around! Check in with Check List in Ponydale for your seasonal charges to help ward away the winter blues, and welcome in the tides of spring to Equestria!

We've also made a big addition to our chat system, adding custom emojis to help liven up your interactions in Equestria! We're also experimenting with player character interactions a bit more - so the next time you greet a friend in game, why not offer them a hug?

We've added some new attacks and effects to our enemies too, to make combat a little more engaging. Why not try your luck against the Rock Golems, and see how you fare, with their new range of animations?

That's far from everything, of course! New Talent Mark options, new music tracks, a new weather system in White Tail Woods, new player animations, a rebalance of Hypnosis abilities, and much more awaits you in Equestria!

As always, if you're playing using our Windows launcher, your files should update automatically; other platforms may need to visit our downloads page to get hold of the latest game files. If you're playing on mobile, you may need to visit your app store to prompt the update!

We certainly hope you enjoy everything Equestria has to offer in 2023! We have a lot more planned this year, so please stay tuned to future updates, and we can't wait to see you all in Equestria very soon!