
Welcome to Legends of Equestria, a free-to-play MMORPG, available to play right now in Open Access!

Our in-development game is full of adventures, magic, and small horses. You will be able to fly, dance, play with pets, and more with friends or by yourself. There's even a whole community of friends over at our forums!

We are an ongoing project! We are always looking for talented new volunteers to help us out. If you feel like you're ready, feel free to send us your application.

Currently Hiring:

2D Art:

-Texture & Concept Artists

3D Modeling


-SFX Designers


-Level Designers

-VFX Artists

-Systems Designers


-Script Implementers

-Unity Implementers


Descriptions of the above jobs, and additional hiring information and recruitment status can be read here.

The following departments are currently not hiring: Animation, HR, Moderation, PR, Voice Acting, Web Dev, and Writing.

If you don't receive a response to your application within two weeks, please contact us on our support email.


A (Hallow)Tide of Spooks is Coming... The Fall 2023 Update Is Now Live!

Oct 21

Hey again everypony! Hope you're all keeping well in this crazy ol' world of ours. Over in Equestria, it's rolling around to Hallowtide time, so we figured it was a good opportunity to release an update; that means v2023.04.01 is now available to download!

As with our previous updates, if you'd like to read through the entire list of changes and additions, you can check out our changelog post... but here's a little taster of what we've got in store for you this time!

With Hallowtide on the horizon, all your favourite locations have put their decorations up, Ensemble's gearing up to make the spookiest costume ever again, and some ponies are ready to give out candies to all the fillies and colts! Let's hope it's enough to appease the spirt of the dread pirate Black Flag for another year...

As you can already tell, Hallowtide is a time for everypony to break out their favourite costumes; to help with that, we've added a couple of new ones! Whether you'd like to traverse the depths beneath the sea as a kelpie, or show off your fiery nirik spirit, we've got you covered!

A few new quests have made their way into the game too! Would you like to help your classmate Wanda with her investments, or investigate the rumours of the legendary batmare? Who knows what new stories might unfold! (Well, we do. We wrote them, after all.)

We've also added another brilliant menu art submission, as well as a fantastic new music track to go with it! We really love featuring these pieces from our dedicated community, and we hope you like seeing them too! Remember, if you'd like to see your own artwork featured in-game, you can get all the information on submission process over here.

There's plenty more in this release; some improvements to the friends system, a few optimisations to help with the game's performance and stability, and a whole smorgasbord of fixes that range across the entire game!  My personal favourite is the one that reduces the 'gem bomb' attack from thermonuclear status, meaning it's no longer audible from the other side of the map.

As always, the full details of what's included in this version can be found in the changelog. If you're playing using our Windows launcher, your files should update automatically; other platforms may need to visit our downloads page to get hold of the latest game files. If you're playing on mobile, you may need to visit your app store to prompt the update!

Thanks as always for all your support, everypony! Seeing you enjoy what we've crafted is what makes all our efforts worthwhile. We hope you like what this update brings, and we'll see you in Equestria very soon!


Movin' On Up: Legends of Equestria's Latest Update Is Now Live!

Aug 23

Hey again, everypony! It's time for another update to our wonderful world of equines; v2023.03.02 of Legends of Equestria (don't ask about v2023.03.01, it never happened, you saw nothing) is now available to download!

As always, you can read through the full list of changes on our changelog post, but here's a little highlights reel of some of the things we think you might notice first!

Probably the most notable change this time around is the range of new movement features and improvements. Earth ponies have been the main focus here; they can now perform midair dives, dashes, and even double-jumps! These abilities should help even out the playing field between the three playable races a little.

That's not to say we left everyone else out, though; unicorns gain a new telekinesis ability, allowing them to manipulate some in-world objects! I can only imagine the chaos this is going to cause, and we're looking forward to seeing what you all do with it.

We've also been working on ways to help players find their way around the world, especially when it comes to following quests. You can now select a quest from your journal, giving you a pointer to help find that one NPC who's been hiding from you all this time!

Paying to dye your socks doesn't make quite as much sense when you're standing right next to an endless supply of coloured liquid, does it? Luckily, the rainbow waterfall in Cloudopolis can now be put to use! Just make sure nobody's drinking from downstream when you do it, eh?

Our library of main menu themes continues to grow, thanks to more submissions from our creative and talented community! If you'd like to submit your own design to feature in-game, please check out all the information and rules for submission here.

As usual, that's far from everything; plenty of bug fixes and reworkings are included - again, for the full details, check out the changelog. If you're playing using our Windows launcher, your files should update automatically; other platforms may need to visit our downloads page to get hold of the latest game files. If you're playing on mobile, you may need to visit your app store to prompt the update!

There's plenty more to come for LoE, in 2023 and beyond, but we hope you enjoy what we've made so far! We'll see you in Equestria!


Get Ready for Legends of Equestria's Summer 2023 Release, Now Available!

Jun 11

Hey again, everypony! We hope you're all having a fantastic year. We're about halfway through the calendar, now, which means it's about time for our second major update of the year! Version 2023.02.01 is now available for download, from our website, from the Windows launcher, and from your mobile app store!

Unsurprisingly, the full details of this release are available on our changelog post, but you can read below for a few highlights to look forward to!

First off, a quality-of-life improvement: you can now filter your bank slots by item name! This should help those of you with a particularly large stash find what you're looking for a little quicker.

In a similar vein, your quest log entries can now be grouped by objective location! This should help you work out what you have to do, and where you have to do it!

We've updated the desktop version of the chatbox to be in-line with the mobile version improvements, allowing for the same message copying functioning, and more!

In our ongoing mission to make big fights more epic, the Crystal Golem enemy can now fire a Bouncing Laser! Better keep yourself nimble to avoid its attack!

Unicorns now have a Horn Glow ability, to bring light to even the darkest places, where all other lights go out...

That's not everything, of course! The Festival of Lights seasonal event will be swinging into gear soon, and of course there's plenty of other changes listed on our changelog post, ranging from further quality-of-life improvements to new cosmetic items to general bug fixes. We hope that all of them make your time in Equestria more enjoyable, and we hope to see you there soon! Bye for now!


Legends of Equestria's Spring 2023 Release is now Live!

Mar 17

Hey there everypony! It's been a little while since we last spoke! All of us on the LoE team hope you're doing well in this crazy ol' world of ours!

We've all being doing our best to make Equestria the best world it can be for you, and we hope you enjoy all of our latest improvements, as we make our first major release of this year, the Spring 2023 update, available for download! As always, this version is available for download from our website, from the launcher, and from your web app store!

You might have guessed by now, but the full details of this release are available from our changelog; check below for our highlights, though!

As always, Winter Warm-Up has rolled around! Check in with Check List in Ponydale for your seasonal charges to help ward away the winter blues, and welcome in the tides of spring to Equestria!

We've also made a big addition to our chat system, adding custom emojis to help liven up your interactions in Equestria! We're also experimenting with player character interactions a bit more - so the next time you greet a friend in game, why not offer them a hug?

We've added some new attacks and effects to our enemies too, to make combat a little more engaging. Why not try your luck against the Rock Golems, and see how you fare, with their new range of animations?

That's far from everything, of course! New Talent Mark options, new music tracks, a new weather system in White Tail Woods, new player animations, a rebalance of Hypnosis abilities, and much more awaits you in Equestria!

As always, if you're playing using our Windows launcher, your files should update automatically; other platforms may need to visit our downloads page to get hold of the latest game files. If you're playing on mobile, you may need to visit your app store to prompt the update!

We certainly hope you enjoy everything Equestria has to offer in 2023! We have a lot more planned this year, so please stay tuned to future updates, and we can't wait to see you all in Equestria very soon!


'Tis The Season To Be... Playing Legends of Equestria's Winter 2022 Update!

Dec 17

Hey again, everypony! Seasonal greetings to you all, as temperatures begin to plummet across Equestria! Snow is blanketing the landscape, and everypony's getting into the holiday spirit... that can only mean one thing: it's time for Legends of Equestria's Winter 2022 update! v2022.05.01 is now available for download, from our website, from the launcher, and from your mobile app store!

As per usual, the full details of what's included in this release can be found in our changelog; here's a few of our personal highlights to give you an idea of what's in store for you this winter, though!

Starting with perhaps the most obvious thing: winter is here in Equestria, and that means the usual seasonal changes! Snow blankets some of the towns, and festive cheer can be found across the land - and once again, if you haven't already, you can earn the seasonal costume for this time of year through Ensemble's usual quest - though a new tail component is now available, even to those who have already completed the quest! Just visit him in the Crystal Kingdom to get yours.

That isn't the only big thing you'll notice this time around, though! We've been reworking how movement works, and have created a new Stamina system for sprinting and flying. Now, rather than draining the energy you use for other abilities, the stamina bar will be depleted! The clip above should give you a clearer idea of how it works. You can change how stamina appears in the game settings (not on mobile, unfortunately, due to screen size constraints); hopefully this separation will improve the gameplay for everypony!

Given that this is a new system and a fairly big change, though, you can expect plenty of tweaking in future updates, as we correct the balance, adapt to how things work in practise, and take on board your feedback!

Another fun mechanic to play with: snowballs! We've been improving the game's physics and collision, and this serves as a good example of the kinds of things we're hoping to add in the future - but also, as I said, it's a lot of fun! Try launching them using Seismic Buck! These are currently available in the Heartlands.

Some enemies have also received a special holiday gift: new skills! Diamond Dogs can bombard you with gems, Frost Dragons will launch waves of ice, and watch out for the Lantern Monster's supernova blast!

Our community's artistic skill continues to impress and honor us, and we're proud to be able to feature two more pieces as menu themes; big thanks to RandomTeeHee and WishfulDorian for their submissions!

That's far from everything, of course! New winter-themed clothing is available, a hotkey for booping has been added (finally!), some GUI elements have been reinvigorated (particularly the in-game bank), and there's a whole lot more to find that has been changed, added, or fixed. Remember, you can always take a look at our changelog for the full details!

If you're playing using our Windows launcher, your files should update automatically; other platforms may need to visit our downloads page to get hold of the latest game files. If you're playing on mobile, you may need to visit your app store to prompt the update!

That's everything for this update! We hope you enjoy your time in Equestria, and are looking forward to everything the new year will bring; we're certainly excited to see what more we can bring to this little horse world of ours, and we can't wait to share it all with you! See you there!



