The Legends of Equestria Fall Update Is Now Live (2020 Edition)!
Oct 25
Hey there, everypony! Hallowtide is right around the corner, so it's about time for our irregularly-scheduled seasonal update, now available from our downloads page!
If you want a full list of the things that have changed in this update, you can check out our changelog - but here's a few highlights!
First off, of course, is the Hallowtide seasonal event! Ponies from around Equestria are celebrating this holiday, and sharing the bounty! Make sure you seek out these generous horses if you've got a sweet tooth, and maybe you can learn some more about the history of this occasion!
And, as usual, Ensemble is offering up a mission to create his spookiest masterpiece - but he's also updated his stocks with even more costumes to fright and delight!
Maybe the biggest addition this time around, though, is another new Talent, with a whole new system backing it! Unicorn ponies can now learn all about Science, so get ready to research creating potions, crystals, and other useful items! Please note that you're not able to choose this as your Talent Mark yet, however; that quest will be coming, though!
That's just a highlight reel; there's plenty more to discover and enjoy in Equestria, so we thank you all for your patience, and hope to see you there soon!